Bandi Linea A


Eating Disorders - Treatment, Assistance, Rehabilitation and Education
Digital care innovation
Scheda del progetto


Start date
Total value
€ 301.996,87
15 months
Investment nodes
€ 187.584,62

The DCAre project aims to create a digital platform for the care and assistance of eating disorders, specifically Anorexia Nervosa on patients such as children and adolescents.  

Using a therapeutic protocol consisting of Serious Games, the platform aims to address various key symptoms of eating disorders, based on recent studies and scientific evidence that support the effectiveness of such games in the treatment of eating disorders compared to traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy. The effectiveness includes reducing food-related anxiety, altering body experience, improving interaction and social relationship processes and reducing negative emotions. 

The project involves two industrial partners, Integrated Solutions and Orbyta Tech, who combine their expertise in the design of complex digital platforms and in the field of cognitive rehabilitation thorugh interactive exercise, together with knowledge of software development, mobile apps and gamification. By collaborating, thei will define the platform and the Serious Games. 




Alessandra Brosio

The goal

Using Serious Game and a virtual twin, the platform aims to improve the body image of the patients and address key symptoms such as anxiety and dissatisfaction by offering personalized care and rehabilitation pathways. Scientific validation will be carried out by the University of Turin, ensuring an evidence-based approach. The project involves a testing phase on target patients at the Child Neuropsychiatry Department of the Regina Margherita Children's Hospital. 

Why is it innovative

The project proposes the innovative use of Serious Games, developed by medical specialists, to offer more innovative and cost-effective rehabilitation training for treating eating disorders. 

It is expected that in the future this training could extend to home settings, supported by trained caregivers or healthcare personnel through teleconsultation. The goal is to integrate ICT technologies and rehabilitative medicine to enhance the efficiency and personalization of treatments, mantaining a strong doctor-patient relationship and providing increasingly advanced and effective tools. 

Impact on the users

The project promises positive impacts on several fronts: scientific sharing for personalized care, use of innovative technologies to reduce costs and improve access to treatment addressing the challenges posed by the pandemic, integration of outpatient and home-based care, technology transfer, and benefits for patients thorugh Serious Games and home treatments. It aims to contribute to patient well-being and optimize healthcare resources.