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patient-Matched Acetabular Solutions in additive manufactured Titanium for low-risk hip Replacement prOsthesis
Eco healthcare
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
€ 399.332,80
15 months
Investment nodes
€ 256.511,01

The MASTRO project aims to utilize additive manufacturing with Ti6AI4V (TiAm), which offers good mechanical properties and biocompatibility reducing its toxicity, to create acetabular components for total dual-mobility hip prostheses with reduced risk for the patient, and to address the criticalities of currently used Chromium-Cobalt (CoCr) alloys currently used. 

Using the concept of ''patient-matched device'', the goal is to create an adaptable product starting from mass production, with the capability for secondary modifications to ensure optimal adaptation to the patient's anatomy.  

The project also includes the development of an automatic patient adaptation algorithm (3AP) for large-scale design, addressing current global regulatory challenges. 

MT Ortho S.r.l. leads the project with the support of the University of Messina, Politecnico di Torino and IRCSS Ospedale Galeazzi Sant'Ambrogio



Gaetano Sorano 


The goal

Orthopedics extensively uses metal alloys for joint replacements. Choosing between Titanium, Steel and Chromium Cobalt (CoCr) requires balance between biology and engineering considerations. 

The CoCr alloys, preferred for hip applications, have limitations primarily due to their limited biocompatibility, a crucial requirement rigorously reviewed according to regulatory frameworks. The MASTRO project addresses these challenges to improve the performance and safety of acetabular prostheses.

Why is it innovative

The MASTRO project stands out internationally for two key innovations: the introduction of TiAm for acetabular components of hip prostheses using a ''patient-matched'' approach and the development of the unique 3AP algorithm. The use of TiAm in orthopedic load-bearing applications represents a little explored territory. MASTRO integrates established technologies such as EBM and numerical modeling, leading to an innovative product that surpassed the state of art. 

Impact on the users

The MASTRO project promises revolutionary transformations in the orthopedic sector in the long term. Replacing CoCr alloys with Titanium by additive manufacturing ensures biocompatibility and mechanical performance at least equivalent to the state of art. 

The proposed innovations allow convergence towards large-scale customization, improving usability and reducing side effects for patients. 

The collaboration between MT Ortho, UNIME, POLITO and IOG ensures an immediate impact on the local community, with increased employment opportunities and optimization of productio processes and regulatory pathways.