Bandi Linea A


A wearable multi-parametric monitoring system for the remote tele-monitoring of vital parameters through an Internet of Things paradigm
Eco healthcare
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
€ 221.108,75
18 months
Investment nodes
€ 131.783,20

The MoPaVIoT project contributes to innovation in digital healthcare by developing an innovative wearable device for tele-monitoring, focusing on vital parameters such as body temperature, oxygen saturation and blood pressure. The company Tecnica Scientifica Service already a manufacturer of CE-marked Medical Devices, will coordinate all project phases, including certification and commercialization. Politecnico di Torino (LISiN - Laboratory of Neuromuscular System Engineering - Department of Electronics and Telecommunications) will contribute through a research project to the architectural and project choices, providing specific expertise in the field of Medical devices, particularly electromedical devices. 



Alessio Petricca 


The goal

With this project, Tecnica Scientifica S.r.l. aims to take up the cogent challenge of developing sustainable, digitized healthcare focused on patient care and safety, accessible across a wide range of economic and social contexts. 

Why is it innovative

In the clinical field, the device will allow simultaneous monitoring of multiple patients from a single control room, increasing efficiency in measurements and enhancing safety for both patients and healthcare staff. This eliminates the need for direct contact with patients for repeated measurements. In home settings, MoPaVIoT will extend clinical-level monitoring and safety to sub-critical patients and those recentrly discharged, allowing remote monitoring of their vital signs.   

Impact on the users

MoPaVIoT project develops a platform for remote monitoring vital signs with the goal of enhancing care for critical and sub-critical patients and reducing healthcare costs. It enables monitoring from home, continuous monitoring of vital signs, and cost savings through reduced visits, early monitoring and remote condition management. This improves efficiency to care, leading to overall healthcare cost reduction.