Bandi Linea A


Miniaturized cartilage tissue culture wells for point-of-care diagnosis and personalized treatment of osteoarthritis and Your Arthritis Goes Away
Digital care innovation
Scheda del progetto
Start date
Total value
€ 574.496,17
18 months
Investment nodes
€ 413.255,44

The YOGA project aims to create personalized therapies for osteoarthritis by combining in vitro diagnostics and artificial intelligence. It will utilize complex cell cultures in the cartilaginous environment, analyzing inflammatory markers with microfluidic technologies.  


The data will be stored in a database for the development of predictive models of therapeutic efficacy. The partnership involves two SMEs, Trustech Diagnostics that will contribute expertise in the design of miniature diagnostic methods and EnginSoft with will bring contribute with global digital skills. The project will also benefit from the support of Tissuegraft as a consultant for biological characterization. 



Laura Maria Boschis 


The goal

YOGA will develop a complex cell culture system to simulate the cartilage tissue environment, enabling personalized diagnosis, targeted treatments and predictions for osteoarthritis. Inflammatory marker concentrations will be measured using EliChip (a microfluidic platform by Trustech) and nitric oxide will be measured with a specially developed Lab On Chip. Data will be stored in a database to create a predictive model of therapeutic efficacy. 

Why is it innovative

The YOGA project aims to create a semi-automated platform for characterizing tissue from biopsies, initially focusing on osteoarthritis with future applications for other diseases. It will utilize advanced digital tecnologies for data analysis and training of mathematical models for personalized medicine. 

The project aims to create an international collaboration network and to industrialize the developed technologies. 

Impact on the users

The aim is to improve the quality of life for patients by reducing the need for hospital travel and excessive use of drugs, developing a specific device to characterize osteoarticular pathologies and identify therapeutic and regenerative approaches suitable for the functional recovery of the joints.